INNOVATION January-February 2013

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SEE PAGE 11 FOR NATIONAL ENGINEERING AND GEOSCIENCE MONTH EVENTS. FEB 13-14/13. BUILDEX. BUILDEX Vancou- ver is one of Canada’s largest tradeshows and conferences, welcoming over 13,000 design, construction and real estate man- agement professionals each year. Over 600 exhibits and more than 50 educational seminars impact three distinct profes- sional markets, all under one roof: interior design and architecture, property and real estate management, construction and ren- ovation. Registration/Information: www. FEB 19/13. BURNABY/NEWWESTMINSTER BRANCHPRESIDENT’SDINNER. APEGBC President Dr. Michael Isaacson, P.Eng., will meet branch members and take their questions regarding current APEGBC af- fairs. Speaker Nelson Lee, P.Eng.,Senior Sustainability Strategist at EBA will pres- ent on the topic of “Climate Crisis: Chal- lenges and Opportunities for Engineers and Geoscientists in BC.” Time: 6:00– 9:00 pm. Location: Holiday Inn Burnaby- Metrotown, Burnaby, BC. Cost: $59 for members and guests who pre-register online by February 12; $85 for at-the-door registrations. Registration/Information: FEB 20/13. LARGEWOODSTRUCTURES SYMPOSIUM . The Bigger, Better, Faster symposium will be a unique opportunity to learn more about the products and their advantages along with all major aspects relating to mass or heavy timber panels including architectural and structural design, seismic resistance, connections, fire safety, durability, and environmental performance. The event will also look at traditional mass wood products and how new technologies make it possible for them to be used in non-traditional applications. Designers will explore how they can “push the limit” when designing with mass tim- ber. Various experts, both international as well as local, will be on hand to discuss the research currently taking place as well as describe mass timber projects in other ju- risdictions. Location: Vancouver Conven- tion Centre West, Vancouver, BC. Registra- tion/Information: FEB 20/13. TOUROFALPHATECHNOLOGIES. This tour of Alpha Technologies Ltd. is hosted by APEGBC’s Vancouver Branch. Alpha Technologies is an established

leader in the design and manufacture of powering solutions for the Telecom, CATV (Canada), Traffic, Security, Medical, In- dustrial and Renewable Energy industries. Time: 4:30–6:00 pm. Location: 7700 Riv- erfront Gate, Burnaby, BC. Cost: $10. Space is limited. Registration/Information: www. FEB 21/13. BREAKFASTSEMINAR. Hosted by the APEGBC Vancouver Branch. Topic: “South Fraser Perimeter Road Landfill Closure Project: Revitalization of Under- used Industrial Lands.” This presenta- tion will describe the many engineering challenges overcome in order to regrade the landfill, to construct a cover system on slopes as steep as 2H:1V, to securely contain leachate from impacting on the environmentally sensitive Burns Bog, and to build a four-lane freeway right through the landfills. Time: 6:30–9:00 a.m. Loca- tion: Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC. Cost: $25-65. Space is limited. Registration/ Information: FEB 21/13. DINNERPRESENTATION. Hosted by the APEGBC Richmond/Delta Branch. Topic: Flood Protection. Join us in an informative presentation and a follow-up Q&A session on the City of Richmond’s ap- proaches to flood protection in Richmond. Time: 6:00–8:30 pm. Location: Best West- ern Plus Abercorn Inn, Richmond, BC. Cost: $30-45. Registration/Information: FEB 22/13. BCWWAWINDOWONVICTORIA. This BC Water & Waste Association (BCW- WA) event will is taking place in Vancou- ver. Representatives from the Ministries of Health; Environment; Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Com- munity, Sport and Cultural Development will talk about new provincial regula- tions, policies and programs. Location: Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Registration/ Information: www.// FEB 23/13. WANETAEXPANSIONPROJECT TOUR. West Kootenay Branch of APEGBC is hosting a tour of the Waneta Expansion Project, located south of Trail, BC. Time: 9:30 am. Location: Meet at 9:30 am at the SNC-Lavalin office complex NOT at the dam itself. Cost: $10. Registration/Infor- mation: MAR 2/13. A PEGBC2013SCIENCEGAMES. The APEGBC Science Games is an interac- tive science competition and encourages

teams of students in grades 1-6 to inves- tigate how science affects their everyday lives. Students work together on a set of applications or problem solving challenges which demonstrate the interesting and entertaining side of scientific exploration. Time: 9:00 am. Location: H.R. MacMillan Space Centre and Museum of Vancouver. Information: ScienceGames/. MAR 4/13. WOODWORKS!BCWOODDESIGN AWARDS. Wood WORKS! BC Wood Design Awards. Registration/Information: www. MAR 5/13. PUBLICSPEAKINGSEMINAR. Host- ed by the APEGBC Richmond/Delta Branch. Topic: “Making Yourself Heard.” Attendees will leave this event armed with the practical techniques and tips necessary to grasp their audience’s attention, hold their attention and strive for the intended outcome of the presentation with confidence. Speaker: Ron de Zeeuw. Time: 6:00–9:00 pm. Location: Best Western Plus Abercorn Inn, Richmond, BC. Cost: $30-45. Registration/Information: MAR 5-7/13. CWRABCBRANCHANNUAL CONFERENCE. This three-day conference will provide a forum for the discussion of technical and policy issues related to water management within British Columbia and/ or in neighbouring jurisdictions. A broad range of topics will be presented including hydrology and water management in major basins, international treaties, water related infrastructure projects and environmental studies; and technical and modeling tools that support water management. Regis- tration/Information: html APR 16-18/13. NATIONAL ABORIGI- NAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES CON- FERENCE. The Prince Rupert stop on the National Aboriginal Business Opportunities Conference tour has become the best sup- ported Aboriginal/private sector business networking event in northern BC. With a focus on discussions around partnerships and joint ventures, the event offers a unique opportunity for over 100 BC First Nations communities to meet with private sector companies and organizations. Location: North Coast Convention Centre and Crest Hotel, Prince Rupert. Space is limited. Registration/Information: conferences/2013-NABOC-PrinceRupert. html.

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