INNOVATION January-February 2014
c ounc i l repor t
of the Division of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (DEERE), and Anja Lanz, EIT, Chair of the Division for the Advancement of Women in Engineering and Geoscience (DAWEG). In the last year, DEERE has held five meetings and an energy and technology site tour. The division also participated in the 2013 Annual Conference with five sessions and a panel discussion. Currently, DEERE is seeking to increase its membership base. This past year, DAWEG led roundtable discussions, produced its regular division newsletter, and participated in the Women in Engineering and Geoscience Task Force (WIEGTF), science fairs, and outreach activities. The division brought forward a number of proposed ideas for collaboration between DAWEG and APEGBC on the delivery of recommendations from the WIEGTF report. APEGBC Continues Work on Framework for Licensure The CEO/Executive Director Group of Engineers Canada’s constituent members is leading the initiative to develop a Canadian Framework for Licensure (CFL) in order to create national consistency and enhance equity, fairness, and timeliness of services. The group has identified several essential elements of the regulated engineering profession in Canada, which will be developed collaboratively by engineering regulators with extensive consultation to identify best practices. At their meeting in November, APEGBC’s Council reviewed and provided feedback on key considerations for complaints, investigations, and definitions of practice of professional engineering; public identification of engineering expertise; and titles, rights, and responsibilities. Recommendations were made with regard to considerations for complaints and investigations, and Council has endorsed the proposed definitions of practice of professional engineering
element in principle. Council also expressed agreement with the titles, rights, and responsibilities framework subject to proposed revisions. In discussing public identification of engineering expertise, APEGBC Council recommended that this be further researched and that consideration be given to making the focus broader to explore other aspects of the role of the professions with respect to professional reliance in the public interest. Changes to Application Fees APEGBC Council has approved changes to registration and licensing application fees that were made effective January 1, 2014. The Non- Resident Licence application fee has decreased and now matches that of the new Professional Engineer and Professional Geoscientist application fee, which has been rounded up from $447.62 to a total of $450 before tax. The examination of credentials fee for members-in-training who apply for professional status has been raised to match the fee for P.Eng./P.Geo. transfers from other provinces to $300 before tax. Standing Awards Committee to Review New and Existing Awards Previously, Council had raised concerns about the increasing number of association awards as well as the disparity of the approval process for the different types of awards. Council requested that the Standing Awards Committee review this issue. In a report to Council, the Stand- ing Awards Committee supported having greater oversight over all as- sociation awards and recommended that each year, awarding division or committees submit their award recipient recommendation to the Standing Awards Committee for re- view and approval. Council approved a motion that the Standing Awards Committee work with the Governance Committee to revise its Terms of Reference to include the review and approval of new and existing division and committee awards, and of all award recipients.
APEGBC’s Council meet throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are the highlights of the October 27 and November 29, 2013, meetings.
Introduction of New Council Members At the inaugural meeting of the
2013/2014 Council, new Councillors were introduced to current members of Council as well as members of the staff leadership team. Annual Conference Council approved a motion congratulating APEGBC staff on a successful Annual Conference and expressing appreciation for the hard work and commitment that ensured the success of the event. Framework Approved for 2014-2017 Strategic Plan Developed every three years at the September planning session, APEGBC’s strategic plan is created to provide direction and focus to the association’s activities. The current three-year strategic plan ends June 2014, and Council has been developing a new plan for July 2014 to June 2017. Discussion has been informed by work completed in a number of areas, including four relevance focus groups, the 2013 member survey, a communications audit, and analyses by Council and staff. At its November meeting, Council finalized and approved the components of the strategic plan including the vision, mission, values, goals, outcomes, and objectives. The new plan will take effect July 1, 2014. More information about APEGBC’s new strategic plan will be available in the spring. Presentations fromDAWEG and DEERE APEGBC’s divisions present to Council on a two-year cycle. These presentations are an opportunity for divisions to keep Council directly informed about their activities. At the November meeting, Council heard presentations from Dr. Mehrzad Tabatabaian, P.Eng., Chair
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