INNOVATION May-June 2012
c ounc i l repor t
March 16, 2012 Annual Report of the Registration Fairness Panel
amended Prospective Nominee Profile and Declaration Form, and 25 Member Signature Nomination Form that define a process that would minimize risks if a Councillor declines to take the Oath of Office. In order to ensure confidentiality of proceedings and deci- sions will be upheld, Council also approved confidentiality provi- sions that would come into effect when a Council member declines to sign the Oath of Office.
The Registration Fairness Panel reviewed 36 cases between March 2011 and February 2012. Of these cases, 16 were appeals referred to the panel by the Registration Committee, and 2 were special re- ferrals from the committee to the panel. The Panel agreed with the Registration Committee’s original decision in 7 (44%) of the appeals and referrals and made recommendations for further review for the remaining 9 (56%). Council also approved recommended revisions to the policy document entitled The Fairness Panel and Review of Reassessment Requests (Appeals) . The Building the Engineering and Geoscience Community Task Force delivered its final report. Council identified the report as a priority item for examination at their 2012 Council Planning Session and formally stood down the Task Force with thanks to its members. Minimum Academic Requirements for Registration The policy on Minimum Academic Requirements for Registration was modified so that holders of postgraduate degrees from schools on the previously approved List of Non-Accredited Reputable International Programs that also have a non-accredited engineering first degree be accepted as academically qualified for registration when the disciplines of the two degrees are directly related. Iranian Engineers of BC Association Presentation to Council Two representatives of the Iranian Engineers Association of BC (IEABC) attended the March meeting of Council to report on its work and current initiatives. Consultation on Professional Technologist Framework Advances Consultation continues on the Professional Technologist (PTech) concept that was approved in principle by Council in December, with significant interest and feedback received. Members of both APEGBC and ASTTBC participated in a survey on the concept which received over 2,000 responses. A full report on the consultation with recom- mendations is anticipated at the May Council meeting. Oath of Office and Confidentiality Undertaking When taking office, Councillors affirm they will abide by an Oath of Office, and Confidentiality Undertaking. Council approved an Building the Engineering and Geoscience Community Task Force Report
Council Governance Policy CG-8: Code of Conduct for Council Members
Council approved amendments to the Council Code of Conduct – Governance Policy CG#8 – to provide the expectation that Councillors accept majority collective decisions and speak with one voice.
May 4, 2012 2012/2013 Operating Budget Approved
Council approved the 2012/2013 APEGBC operating budget. The budget adheres to the Association’s Sustainable Financial Policy, aligns with APEGBC’s Strategic Service Plan, departmental business plans, and the Council Work Plan. The 2012/2013 budget reflects efficiencies across association programs, including the Professional Renewal program, building operations, government relations, publica- tions, exams, staffing, and operational costs. New program initiatives include support to investigations and the organizational quality man- agement program, enhancement of registration activities, mentoring program, APEGBC’s website, sustainability guidelines, branches, information technology, business continuity, bylaw development and consultation, stakeholder engagement, and volunteer recognition. It also provides for recruiting and transition costs for a new Chief Executive Officer and Registrar. The approved budget requires an in- crease of $10 to the annual membership fee effective January 1, 2013 and will result in an operating deficit of $136,000 which will be drawn from the general operating fund. These reserves as at June 30, 2011, stand at $1,217,845. Alternative Complaint Resolution Bylaw - Consultation Update Council received a report on the outcome of consultation for the Alternative Complaint Resolution Bylaw. The Discipline Committee is reviewing the survey feedback and will consider the input when providing suggestions to Council regarding the proposed bylaw wording. Final wording for the bylaw will be presented at the June 2012 Council meeting for approval with plans for a member ratification vote to be conducted in September 2012. Government Relations Strategy Updated A revised Government Relations Strategy was approved, which will guide the way the Association interacts with government and sets out the organization’s priorities for the next 24 months. In addi- tion to continuing efforts to inform government about the work of APEGBC and its members, further activities will be undertaken to advance requested amendments to the Engineers and Geoscien- tists Act . There will also be a new focus on enhancing relationships at the municipal government level. For your best possible price call: Greg Huynh Phone: 604-929-GREG (4734) 1-800-300-GREG (4734) D8262 Serving BC Professional Associations since 1973
Canadian Framework for Licensure Engineer-in-Training Element
Council discussed the Engineer-in-Training element proposed under the Canadian Framework for Licensure. The element con- siders the criteria and administration of the EIT program as well
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