INNOVATION May-June 2012
counc i l repor t
Engineers Canada Update Council thanked Dr Margaret Li PEng FEC, who is completing her term as one of APEGBC’s directors to Engineers Canada. Dr Li has served in this capacity since 2010. Emily Cheung PEng FEC was appointed for a two-year term by Council to fill this position.
as what rights and privileges should be afforded to EITs. Council’s comments were referred to the Registration Committee.
Certified Professional Program – Endorsement of Manual and Letters of Assurance Council endorsed the Certified Professional Program Practice and Procedure Manual developed by the CP Working Group. Council also endorsed the revised Certified Professional Letters of As- surance Schedules upon advice that the current CP Letters are in need of changes to more closely align them with the existing Vancouver Building By-Law and the administrative procedures currently in practice. Professional Technologist Framework Consultation Continues Stakeholder consultation has proceeded with members of APEGBC and ASTTBC, the Ministry of Advanced Education, national technology and engineering regulators, the Municipal Engineers Division, and the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies BC (formerly CEBC). Consultation with other external stakeholders is ongoing. To date, feedback has been mixed. The group reported to Council that it plans to assess the comments received at its May meeting. Geoscience Committee Terms of Reference Updated Modernizing changes to the Geoscience Committee Terms of Reference were approved to reflect current practice. Changes will address the committee’s role as an advisor to Council and the Geoscience community, as well as committee membership, quo- rum, and selection of officers. AGM Motions and Rules In 2010, a new process was adopted to receive and publish motions in advance of the AGM. The advanced publication of motions is con- sidered a positive tool for member engagement, and was approved for the 2012 AGM, along with the Meeting Rules used previously in 2010 and 2011, with no changes. New Council Member Appointed Vic Baker PEng FEC resigned from Council on March 19th. As per Section 9(8)(a) of the Engineers and Geoscientists Act , Coun- cil appointed Ross Rettie PEng FEC to take his place.
Geoscientists Canada Update Oliver Bonham PGeo, CEO of Geoscientists Canada, presented an annual report of Geoscientists Canada initiatives and activities.
Discipline Committee Roy Wares PEng FEC, Chair Investigation Committee Neil Nyberg PEng FEC Member Petition Ballot Scrutineers Paul Blanchard PEng FEC, Chief Scrutineer Bill Gilmartin PEng FEC John Watson PEng FEC Mentoring Committee Shiloh Carlson PEng Standing Awards Committee Ann English PEng Nicole Kohnert PEng FEC Sustainability Committee Erin Moxon PEng Jody Rechenmacher PEng Gord Tycho EIT EXTERNAL APEGBC Representative to the Okanagan Water Stewardship Council Don Dobson PEng Ehren Lee PEng (Alternate) University Endowment Lands Advisory Design Panel Steve Black PEng
Building Codes Committee Emilia Mazzonna PEng Building Enclosure Committee Patrick Shek PEng David Ricketts PEng FEC Climate Change and Adaption Advisory Group Brent Burton PEng David Campbell PGeo Kevin Hydes PEng Mark Porter PEng StructEng Pascal Poudenx PEng Jennifer Pouliotte (BC Ministry of Environment) Conor Reynolds PEng Malcolm Shield EIT Robert Stupka PEng Craig Sutherland PEng Continuing Professional Development Committee Jerrick Dangaran PEng Tejas Goshalia PEng Mahmoud Mahmoud PEng Alexander Rosemann PEng
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