Innovation Summer 2024


Knowledge Centre a well-used resource

CE Hours recorded Since July 2021, more than 2.6 million CE Hours have been recorded in the CE Reporting System, with more than 600,000 activities entered by registrants.

Three years ago, the Knowledge Centre was introduced to provide registrants access to courses they need to meet their Continuing Education (CE) requirements. Since then, about 42,170 registrants have completed courses in the online platform. Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Continuing Education (CE) Program became mandatory July 1, 2021, with the implementation of the Professional Governance Act . The program allows registrants to choose the amount and mix of CE activities across the four areas of learning — ethical, technical, regulatory and communications and leadership — that are appropriate for their individual areas of practice, roles, and responsibilities. The Knowledge Centre includes mandatory regulatory modules along with the courses that can be used to complete the required CE Hours and ethical learning. The high usage of the Knowledge Centre allows Engineers and Geoscientists BC to track which courses registrants are interested in to inform decisions about what courses to offer. New courses and on-demand webinars are added to the Knowledge Centre through the year.

5.80% CE Hours recorded




Ethical learning Communications and leadership learning

Regulatory learning Technical learning

What are registrants learning? The most popular courses from the Knowledge Centre (outside the mandatory Regulatory Learning Modules) are shown in this chart.



Ethics in Contractual Agreements 17,248

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) for Engineers and Geoscientists Psychological Safety, Understanding Bias, and Allyship 21 st Century Energy Transition: The Global Challenge of Our Time Land Acknowledgements for Engineers and Geoscientists





Courses in the Knowledge Centre have been widely used by registrants. Photo: Wendy D Photography


Summer 2024


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