Innovation Summer 2024

Sources of CE Activities In the 2023-2024 reporting year, the Knowledge Centre accounted for 42.3 percent of the courses and activities registrants needed to fulfil requirements. Attendance at Engineers and Geoscientists BC events accounted for 4.6 percent. Most learning activities, 53.1 percent, were from self-reported sources. Usually, self-reported activities are provided by employers, post-secondary institutions, and other professional associations such as the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta, Association for Mineral Exploration, and the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies. CE Program information Registrants can visit the CE Program webpages to access resources, including videos, templates, and guides, The first three-year rolling period (60 CE Hours) deadline for CE compliance is June 30. Registrants can review their requirements and deadlines by logging onto their Account Dashboard. Scan the QR code for more information on the Knowledge Centre. at and .

Photo: Wendy D Photography

It’s time for registrants to complete their Annual Reporting (AR) requirements and file their declaration. Registrants are required to update their personal and professional information and complete annual declarations by June 30. Registrants who need to complete AR will have the requirement listed under the Requirements and Deadlines section of their Account Dashboard. The following need to complete AR: ‣ Professional registrants (having practice rights); ‣ Trainees (EITs and GITs); and ‣ Registrants with a declared non-practising or retired status. Only non-practising life registrants and newly registered individuals (i.e., registrants receiving their first registration as a professional or trainee in BC after May 1) are exempt from submitting AR. Registrants who miss the June 30 deadline must log into their online account and complete the outstanding reporting requirements and pay the late fees to bring their registration into compliance. ‣ If AR is not submitted by September 30, registration is suspended. ‣ If AR is not submitted by December 31, registration is cancelled. See the AR webpage for resources, including an updated video, information and FAQs, by scanning the QR code below. Annual Reporting due June 30

Innovation Summer 2024


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