Innovation Summer 2024


Recently published professional practice guidelines and advisories

Guideline - Use and Development of Seismic Microzonation Maps in BC These professional practice guidelines provide professional practice guidance for registrants involved in developing and using seismic microzonation maps, and identify the role that seismic microzonation maps can play in the planning and operation of communities. The guidelines were developed to complement the Metro Vancouver Seismic Microzonation Mapping Project, an initiative crafted and implemented by the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, and the University of Western Ontario, and funded by Emergency Management and Climate Readiness BC. Interim Professional Practice Guidelines: Preparation of One Water System Risk Management Plans in British Columbia These interim professional practice guidelines guide professional practice related to managing a community’s enterprise-level water system risks. These guidelines establish the duties and obligations expected of engineering and geoscience professionals engaged in applying a One Water lens to water system risk management in BC. A One Water approach is an integrated planning and implementation approach to managing finite water resources for long-term resilience and reliability, meeting community and ecosystem needs. These are interim guidelines that will be revised following feedback on their application and will be finalized in a few years. Joint Professional Practice Guidelines - Erosion and Sediment Control These professional practice guidelines were jointly drafted by Engineers and Geoscientists BC, the College of Applied Biologists, and the BC Institute of Agrologists. They provide guidance to registrants of these regulatory bodies who develop, monitor, implement or audit erosion and sediment control (ESC) plans in BC. The guidelines provide an overview of the regulatory context in BC, discuss roles and responsibilities of various parties, describe the standard of practice for ESC professionals, and discuss quality management considerations, such as field reviews and ongoing monitoring. An assurance statement is also included to assist professionals with the communication of ESC responsibilities.


Summer 2024


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