Innovation Summer 2024


WHITEHORN BRIDGE REPLACEMENT IN MOUNT ROBSON PARK To replace a footbridge crossing Robson River in remote Mount Robson Park, only helicopter access was used. Pieces, in small weights, were dropped in, eliminating the need for heavy equipment that would disturb the area. Galvanized steel was chosen for the 33-m span for durability, aesthetics, and so the structure would not need a re-coat in its lifespan. Longitudinal bar grating and cable-railings allow views of the area and the river rapids below. Appropriate but minimalist foundation design allowed excavation to be performed manually in a tight footprint. In concert with the installation contractor, a high-line system to fly the girders into position using gin poles and existing trees was developed without damaging or removing any live trees. Tight alignment with the existing end of-life suspension bridge created minimal new trail alignment and clearing. Local materials were used where possible. Company: SNT Engineering Ltd. Participants: Carmen DiPasquale, P.Eng. CIMA+: Paul Meyer, P.Eng. Robson Design Build Ltd.

Photo submitted by SNT Engineering


Summer 2024


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