Innovation Summer 2024


Photo: Ed Knaggs

GWA’YAS’DUMS MICROGRID GOES GREEN Kwiḵwa̱ sut’inux̱w Ha̱xwa’mis First Nation (KHFN) council intends to make their communities more sustainable, accessible, and attractive to their off-reserve members – including their young people. The project is based in their village, Gwa’yas’dums, located on Gilford Island. There are 36 homes, including 6 new houses and 12 community buildings fed by 3 diesel gen sets through a 14-kV overhead distribution grid. KHFN set out to implement a photovoltaic (PV) solar panel and storage system, with a goal to reduce diesel, which, in turn, would save costs and reduce emissions. They implemented a 250-kW, 1.1 MWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and a 221 kW solar PV array. The installed PV generation, combined with the BESS are predicted to save the village roughly 73,000 litres of fuel per year. Companies: ComAp and Charge Solar Participants: Ed Knaggs, P.Eng.; Daniel Patridge, P.Eng.; Dominque Genereux, EIT.

Photo submitted by MAGNA Engineering Services Inc.

PRINCE RUPERT BIOFILTER WETLAND SYSTEM The City of Prince Rupert, BC, which services approximately 12,000 residents, currently relies on separated and combined sanitary collection networks. Recognizing the necessity for a dedicated wastewater treatment system, MAGNA Engineering Services Inc. conducted a comprehensive feasibility study and formulated a conceptual design for a city-wide solution. The City opted for the MAGNA Biofilter Wetland System (MBWS) to address varying wastewater concentrations within the existing sewage network. The MBWS is an innovative, nature-based, and passive treatment solution that leverages subsurface engineered wetlands to efficiently treat municipal wastewater. The anticipated location for the pilot project is the Moresby Park area, selected for its environmentally friendly characteristics. The design intent is to integrate with natural features currently present in the park. This pilot project implements effective wastewater treatment and may set direction for future City projects. The City-MAGNA collaboration tackles infrastructure challenges affordably and innovatively. Company: MAGNA Engineering Services Inc. Participants: City of Prince Rupert: Richard Pucci, P.L.Eng. MAGNA Engineering Services Inc: Jennifer Massig, P.Eng.


Summer 2024


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