INNOVATION May-June 2019

As the official publication of Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, Innovation is circulated to almost 34,000 BC-registered professional engineers and geoscientists, other professionals, industry and government representatives, educational institutions and the general public. The magazine is published six times each year on a bi-monthly basis.

Council Nominations Under New Act | Sciences Games 2019 | Professional Governance Act Intentions Paper Response il Approves 2019-2020 Budget | Annual Conference and AGM | Corp rate Regulation Feedback fr m Sole P actiti ers





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May/June 2019 | volume 23 number 3


COVER STORY PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 2018/2019 From metro tunnels in Paris and a wastewater treatment plant in China, to virtual reality geological mapping and a waste-to-energy facility in BC, members give us insight into their work here and around the world.









PRESSURE BUILDUP After two uncontrolled ammonia


releases in BC in about a year, Technical Safety BC says that there needs to be a stronger relationship between facility owners and operators, mechanics, and professional engineers—and that engineers have a critical role to play.



THE ROOTS OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DAY International Women in Engineering Day will celebrate its sixth anniversary on June 23—the same day its parent organization turns 100.

ON THE COVER This 20-metre diameter glass rotunda, installed in an office development across from City Hall in Victoria, is one of the dozens of projects featured in our annual Project Highlights edition. P hoto : S ama J im C anzian


I N N O V A T I O N M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 3


May/June 2019 | volume

23 number


THE ESSENCE OF ALL WE DO Engineering and geoscience professionals touch almost every aspect of the daily life of British Columbians. Our work is almost everywhere—sometimes obvious, often unseen. The scope of what we do as engineers and geoscientists is so complex and lengthy that no one could make an itemized list without leaving something out. As professionals, whether our work is plainly obvious to the public or hidden from view, we want our work to reflect the highest standards, and the best techniques and technology.

ENGINEERS AND GEOSCIENTISTS BRITISH COLUMBIA Suite 200 - 4010 Regent Street, Burnaby, BC Canada V5C 6N2 Tel: 604.430.8035 Fax: 604.430.8085 Email: Web: Toll free: 1.888.430.8035 COUNCIL 2018/2019 PresiDent K. Tarnai-LoKhorst, P.Eng., FEC ViCe-PresiDent H.G. Kelly, P.Eng. ImmeDiate Past PresiDent C.J.A. Andrewes, P.Eng., CPA, CMA

Dr. Katherina Tarnai- LoKhorst, P.EnG., FEC, President

COUNCILLORS D.W. Barry, P.Eng.; S. Cheema, CPA, CA; A.B. Dixon-Warren, P.Geo.; C.J. Hickson, P.Geo., FGC; K. Laloge, CPA, CA, TEP; S. MacDougall, P.Eng.; L. Mah, P.Eng., FEC; R.B. Nanson, P.Eng.; R.N. Rajapakse, P.Eng.; L. Spence, P.Eng.; J. Turner, P.Ag. (ret); K.P. Turner, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.); J.D. Vincent, P.Geo.; T.C. Watson, P.Eng.; D. Wells, JD ASSOCIATION STAFF A.J. English, P.Eng., ChieF EXeCutiVe OFFiCer anD ReGistrar T.M.Y. Chong, P.Eng., ChieF ReGulatorY OFFiCer anD DePutY ReGistrar J. Cho, CPA, CGA ChieF FinanCial anD ADministration OFFiCer A. Lim, ACtinG DireCtor, MemBer SerViCes M. Logan, ChieF OF StrateGiC OPerations M.L. Archibald, DireCtor, CommuniCations anD StaKeholDer EnGaGement D. Gamble, DireCtor, InFormation SYstems P.R. Mitchell, P.Eng., DireCtor, ProFessional PraCtiCe, StanDarDs anD DeVeloPment D. Olychick, DireCtor, CorPorate GoVernanCe anD StrateGY G.M. Pichler, P.Eng., DireCtor, ReGistration E. Swartz, LL.B, DireCtor, LeGislation, EthiCs anD ComPlianCe M.A. Rigolo, P.Eng., AssoCiate DireCtor, EnGineerinG ADmissions L. Steele, P.Geo., AssoCiate DireCtor, ProFessional PraCtiCe A. Tan, CPA, CMA AssoCiate DireCtor, FinanCe anD ADministration

Like our professionals, our work as a regulator is often obvious but is also sometimes hidden from view. We ensure our professions meet the highest practice and ethical standards by requiring that our members are well-educated, with appropriate and verifiable professional experience. We maintain robust professional practice and ethical standards, and require our members to observe them. We guide and advise members with insights and suggestions about how to maintain best practices and high standards in their work, and we provide our members with opportunities for professional development across a range of disciplines. We keep tabs on emerging regulatory and legislative trends in other jurisdictions. And we randomly review the work of our members to ensure it meets the standards expected in our professions. If we learn that a member may not have followed these practice or ethical standards, we take action through our investigative and discipline processes. These processes are often complex and lengthy, but they’re always fair. Broadly speaking, this is what we do as a regulator. But why do we do it? We do it because our core mandate and value is to protect the public and serve its best interests. All our work as a regulator funnels towards this core value. Council may review how we assess the competency of engineering licensees; or how firms can best help their employees transition from members-in-training to fully qualified professionals; or how to effectively consult with members about implementing corporate regulation. The scope of Council’s work—like the work of our members—is often complex and wide-ranging, and its purpose might not always seem plain. But the common purpose in all of Council’s work is to ensure that we continue to protect the public. That value lies at the heart of everything Council does. And that’s why Council must sometimes make difficult decisions to ensure this core mandate is continuously met and never in danger. While discussions about fee increases or resource allocations are never comfortable, we must pay careful attention to protecting and upholding our core mandate as the very essence of all we do.

Chris Hawley, ManaGinG EDitor

EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE M.I.H. Bhuiyan, P.Eng.; E.A. Brown, P.Eng.; K.C. Chan, P.Eng., CPA; T. George, P.Eng.; H. Ghalibafian, P.Eng.; G. Grill, P.Eng.; R. Ord, P.Eng.; A.M. Westin, GIT; M.J. Zieleman, EIT

Advertising material must reach the publication by the first day of the first month (e.g., May 1 for the MAY/JUNE issue), or by the first business day immediately preceding the first day of the first month. Advertising Contact: Gillian Cobban Tel: 604.929.6733 Email:

Design/Production: Mary Montica Poole–re:fresh design Printed in Canada by Mitchell Press Ltd on recycled paper

Subscription ratesper issue$4.50;six issuesyearly$25.00. (Ratesdonot include tax.)

Innovation is published six times a year by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia. As the official publication of the association, Innovation is circulated to members of the engineering and geoscience professions, architects, contractors and industry executives. The views expressed in any article contained herein do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Council or membership of this association. Submission Guidelines: Innovation encourages unsolicited articles and photos. By submitting material to Innovation , you grant Engineers and Geoscientists BC a royalty-free, worldwide licence to publish the material; and you warrant that you have the authority to grant such rights and have obtained waivers of all associated moral rights. Innovation reserves the right to edit material for length, clarity and conformity with our editorial guidelines ( and is under no obligation to publish any or all submissions or any portion thereof, including credits. All material is copyright. Please contact the Managing Editor for reprint permission.

ISSN 1206-3622 Publications Mail Agreement No 40065271. Registration No 09799.

Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to Innovation , Suite 200 - 4010 Regent Street, Burnaby, BC V5C 6N2.

US Postmaster: Innovation (ISSN 1206-3622) is published bimonthly for $25.00 per year by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia, c/o US Agent-Transborder Mail, 4708 Caldwell Rd E, Edgewood, WA 98372-9221. Periodicals postage paid at Puyallup, WA, and at additional mailing offices, US PO #007-927. POSTMASTER send address changes (covers only) to Innovation , c/o Transborder Mail, PO Box 6016, Federal Way, WA 98063-6016.

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Letters to the editor containing your views on topics of interest are encouraged. Opinions expressed in letters are not necessarily endorsed by Engineers and Geoscientists BC. Letters should be 300 words or less and can be emailed to Find more information at

COLLEAGUE PAYS TRIBUTE TO PASSING OF “A GENTLEMAN” Robert F. (Bob) Gerath, P.Geo., FGC, FEC (Hon.), a longstanding Engineers and Geoscientists BC member and contributor, chose the spring equinox, March 21, 2019, to pass away

joined Thurber Engineering in 1976 as an Engineering Geoscientist, first in Victoria and then in Vancouver. Bob completed his career with his own firm, Qcd Geotechnics, before retiring in 2014. His consulting projects were varied and always interesting. His work with landslide hazards and risk assessment was well respected. Many of his colleagues, and a number of

Committee on which he served for many years. In 2003, Bob received the C.J. Westerman Memorial Award for excellence in geoscience. Bob was always a gentleman. His sense of humour and mischievous ways, combined with his sound practical knowledge, endeared him to many. He was a keen hiker, an avid reader, a scientific writer, an educator, and a passionate supporter of his profession. Bob is survived by his wife of almost 50 years, Tese, their two children, Guy and Tanya, and a grandson, Logan. Doug VanDine, P.Eng./P.Geo., FEC, FGC Victoria, BC

peacefully with his family by his side. Bob was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1944, and grew up in New England where he obtained an undergraduate degree in geography with a minor in geology. He then obtained an MSc degree in glacial geomorphology from McGill University in Montreal. He was introduced to western Canada in the mid-1970s, when he worked for the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. He

clients, became close friends. Bob was very active with the

association. For a short period, he worked on professional practice matters, assisting with the implementation of the Practice Review


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a BoVe : The Liftware Leveler P hoto : liFtWareCanaDa . Ca r iGht : Brad MacKenzie, P.Eng., receives the ALS Society of BC Exceptional Public Awareness Award – Individual Category award

ENGINEER-ALS PATIENT LOOKS FOR BETTER DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY When Brad MacKenzie, P.Eng., left his doctor’s office one day in 2016, he had to process some tragic news: he had just been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, or sometimes referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease) —a perplexing, terminal neurodegenerative disease that gradually interrupts the body’s communication with the brain. Over time, the condition impairs patients’ ability to walk, talk, eat, swallow, and eventually breathe. There is no effective treatment and no cure; most ALS patients survive only up to five years after diagnosis. Like many newly diagnosed ALS sufferers, MacKenzie

integrated systems. As an electrical engineer who loves to tinker with inventions, MacKenzie was a good fit evaluating the design of this equipment and assessing whether it might be suitable for ALS patients. MacKenzie recently evaluated the Liftwear Steady, a computerized self-leveling utensil handle that uses sensors and motors to compensate for hand tremors in real-time. The rechargeable unit can be outfitted with a spoon or fork attachment. He also evaluated a high-tech wheelchair that can adjust almost any of its parts to almost any angle to suit the needs of the patient. To learn more about ALS and the ALS Society of BC, visit .

struggled to accept what he calls a “horrific development,” and the impact the diagnosis would have on him and his work. MacKenzie said that medical staff are compassionate, but the medical system doesn’t have the resources needed to help patients fully adjust to their new life with ALS. Shortly after his diagnosis, MacKenzie connected with the ALS Society of BC—a non-profit organization dedicated to helping BC-based ALS patients navigate and manage their lives in the context of their diagnosis. At first, MacKenzie needed the society: it provides patients, their families, and caregivers with a range of support services, including a loan equipment program that supplies items like bathroom equipment, beds, communication aids, and wheelchairs to ALS patients. “Despite the hardships,” he said, “I have found great pride in continuing my work as a professional engineer,” said MacKenzie, who continues to hold full-time employment with TransLink. Now, the society needs MacKenzie. He serves on its board of directors, and lends his engineering expertise to its recent efforts to incorporate high-tech equipment into the society’s loan program. MacKenzie evaluates high-tech equipment, like custom software, apps, user interfaces, and


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PARTNER IN PUBLIC SAFETY: MOVING OUR ECONOMY, INFRASTRUCTURE AND COMMUNITY FORWARD On April 3, 2019, Engineers and Geoscientists BC hosted Legislature Day in Victoria. Over two events, we connected with 40 MLAs and ministers from across the province, highlighting how BC’s 35,000 professional engineers and geoscientists pursue progress and prosperity for all British Columbians, while balancing the need for a safe, secure, and sustainable future. During the lunch event, Andrew Wilkinson, Leader of the Official Opposition and MLA Vancouver-Quilchena spoke on behalf of the opposition caucus. At the evening reception, Hon. Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training brought greetings from the Province. Both events were emceed by President Dr. Katherina-Tarnai Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC, and included a presentation by Ann English, P.Eng., CEO and Registrar on the association’s response to the Professional Governance Act .

While in Victoria, Engineers and Geoscientists BC also held meetings with Hon. Melanie Mark, Minister for Advanced Education, Skills, and Training; Bowinn Ma, P.Eng., Parliamentary Secretary for Translink and MLA North Vancouver-Lonsdale; Ralph Sultan, P.Eng., MLA West Vancouver-Capilano: and Sonia Furstenau, MLA Cowichan Valley. For more information about our work with government, contact Max Logan, Chief of Strategic Operations at . F rom toP : ( l - r ) Past President, Caroline Andrewes, P.Eng., CPA, CMA; President, Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC; Hon. David Eby, Q.C., Attorney General; Lianna Mah, P.Eng., FEC, Councillor; JeremyVincent, P.Geo., Councillor; Mable Elmore, MLA, Vancouver-Kensington. ( l - r ) Hon. Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills, and Training; DavidWells, JD, Councillor. AndrewWilkinson, Q.C., Leader of the Official Opposition. P hotoS : r ooP J aWl D eSiGn anD P hotoGraPhy

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2019/2020 BUDGET APPROVED, INCLUDES MEMBERSHIP FEE INCREASE Council reviewed and approved the association’s budget for the 2019/2020 fiscal year at its most recent meeting in April. To plan for the short- and long-term financial impacts that the association will be facing due to a number of external pressures, the budget for the coming year includes a greater

the desire for transparency, Council did not wish to absorb the levy into the member fee. The remaining twenty dollars of the increase supports improvements to our ability to meet our public interest duty and build our capacity as a proactive regulator for the province’s 35,000 engineering and geoscience professionals. This includes a new practice advisor as well as legislation, ethics and compliance staff to resource the growing work in these areas, such as expanding the practice guidance provided to professionals as well as increased activity in investigation and discipline. More detailed information about the budget and the Professional Governance Act is available on our website at responsible-financial-management.

contingency amount, increases to exam and application fees, and a $35 increase to annual membership fees for 2020. Council is accountable for responsible financial management of the association and charting a course that will allow us to meet our regulatory obligations and operational requirements. In the last year, there has been significant change—in particular, we’re now faced by the requirements of the new Professional Governance Act , as well as inflationary increases, security upgrades related to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act and credit card information handling, and the cost of multi-year investigation and discipline cases. For the 2020 membership renewal, the member fee will be $450. This $35 increase includes a $15 levy to resource the work to transition us from our existing regulatory framework to the Professional Governance Act under the Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance. This means analyzing how the new act and its requirements will impact our current functions and bylaws, and determining our response; this entails legal review of our existing bylaws, researching the potential impacts of various requirements, determining feasibility, and liaising with government on proposed regulations. Government has also asked us to consider what practice rights for technologists could look like, which will need to be studied carefully. The levy provides for additional contingency, which Council considered prudent in order to mitigate financial risk for the association. The levy is also intended to be a temporary measure. Because the transition costs for implementation of the Professional Governance Act are one-time, Council did not want to tie these costs to a source of permanent revenue. Until more information is available from government, the permanent costs of the new regulatory regime are as yet unknown. Given

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SOLE PRACTITIONERS PROVIDE FEEDBACK ON MODEL FOR CORPORATE REGULATION Engineers and Geoscientists BC has just completed a third phase of consultation on regulating engineering and geoscience firms, hearing from more than 1,000 members across the province about the unique considerations for sole practitioners within a corporate regulatory model. The association has been examining the issue of corporate regulation since 2015, led by its Advisory Task Force for Corporate Practice.

The consultation process arose out of the task force’s Phase Two report, which identified that Engineers and Geoscientists BC would need to further examine how sole practitioners—who function as both individual practitioners and organizations— would be considered under future requirements for regulating engineering and geoscience firms. Consultation took place from January to March, and included a survey, webinar, and six focus groups with sole practitioners in Vancouver, Victoria, and Kelowna. Members provided their input on key elements of the proposed regulatory framework, including quality assurance processes, compliance, training, and fees. WHATWE HEARD Sole practitioners communicated that they saw themselves in a unique position to provide services for simple, straightforward projects that larger organizations typically would not undertake, and that they wear many hats—technical professionals, administrators, and managers. Their views of how they should fit into an overall model for corporate regulation were varied. While survey respondents

demonstrated a lower level of support for being included in the same corporate regulatory framework as larger organizations, some sole practitioners indicated they would find value in the additional tools, resources, and structure this framework would provide. The primary concerns respondents identified were related to an increased administrative burden on their business (related to training and audits), and increased costs. Those who participate in Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s voluntary Organizational Quality Management (OQM) Program, which the proposed model for corporate regulation is based on, were generally supportive of introducing corporate regulation for sole practitioners. They cited positive experiences with the OQM Program, and felt it provided good reinforcement of best practices without being burdensome. NEXT STEPS The Task Force is reviewing the feedback collected from this consultation process, and will be considering this input as they finalize their proposed model for corporate regulation. The model will be presented to Engineers and Geoscientists BC Council for approval in June. The Task Force is also developing a business plan to support the association’s delivery of corporate regulation, and is working to ensure its plan is aligned with the Professional Governance Act —newly-introduced legislation that will govern Engineers and Geoscientists BC and enables the registration of firms that employ professionals or carry out reserved practices. For more information on the association’s work on corporate regulation, and to see a full report on the results of our consultation process, as well as reports from earlier phases, visit

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1 0 M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9


P hoto : © SmJoneSS /F otolia

UPCOMING WEBINAR: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE PROFESSIONAL GOVERNANCE ACT The regulatory landscape is changing in British Columbia, and Engineers and Geoscientists BC is holding a webinar on June 26, where President Dr. Katherina Tarnai-Lokhorst, P.Eng., FEC, will update members on the Professional Governance Act , our response, and answers your questions. Professional Governance Act is available on our website at

In November 2018, the BC Government passed the Professional Governance Act , which will consolidate government oversight of the five professional regulators for engineering and geoscience, forestry, agrology, applied biology, and applied science technology under a new Office of the Superintendent of Professional Governance. The new legislation is a result of government’s professional reliance review, which examined the current legislation governing qualified professionals in the natural resource sector, and the role their professional associations play in upholding the public interest. Join Dr. Tarnai-Lokhorst on June 26, 2019, for a webinar that will provide an update on the status of the new legislation, and a review of Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s response to the BC Government’s Intentions Paper, which includes positions on corporate regulation, declarations of competency and declarations of conflict of interest, and independent practice rights for engineering technologists. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for webinar participants to ask questions on this important topic. Register now at A recording of the webinar will also be made available to members at a later date. More information on the

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I N N O V A T I O N M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9 1 1


ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND AGM SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 17–19 IN KELOWNA More than 800 professionals, experts, academics, and students will gather in Kelowna, BC, for Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting. This year, the Conference will be held October 17– 19, 2018, at the Delta Grand Okanagan Resort, and will include two days of professional development, networking, and an industry trade show. ENTRANCE AND TRANSFER SCHOLARSHIPS HELP STUDENTS COPE WITH COST OF EDUCATION The Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation’s Entrance and Transfer scholarship applications are now open. Six scholarships, valued at $2,500 each, are available to students entering full-time engineering or geoscience degree programs. One scholarship, valued at $1,000, is available to a student entering an engineering transfer program. Marie Nikkel, who just completed her first year of engineering at UVic, received the Entrance Scholarship in 2018 after graduating from WJ Mouat in Abbotsford. There, she helped raise over $30,000 for the BC Children’s Cancer Program—just one of her impressive volunteer accomplishments, which contributed to her selection as a scholarship recipient. Next year, Marie expects to specialize in electrical engineering, where she’ll learn about power and energy systems, renewable energy, and small electronics. Although Marie hasn’t yet selected her career path, she’s excited about her options and may even pursue a Master’s degree in Germany.

Professional development streams include Engineering and Geoscience in the Resource Sector, Municipal Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Geoscience, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Structural Engineering, Geoscience, Management, Better Business, Regulatory

P hoto : D elta H otels G rand O kanagan R esort

register online, visit Sponsorship opportunities are available, with benefits to meet businesses’ needs, including recognition on-site or online, at events, and on promotional materials. For information, contact association marketing specialist Maria-Carmen Kelly at .

Affairs, and Emerging Professional. All members are invited to attend

Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s 100th AGM, from 8:30 AM–12:30 PM on October 19, 2018; there is no charge to attend the AGM. For conference information and to

University of Victoria. P hoto : UV ic

Do you know an outstanding student like Marie? Encourage them to apply for the Entrance and Transfer scholarships at . Applications are due by June 30, 2019. If you are interested in supporting engineering and geoscience students in the pursuit of careers in these professions, consider volunteering with, or donating to, the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation. Find out more at .

Marie’s first year of university cost almost $18,000, but the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Foundation Entrance Scholarship helped to offset some of this cost. Marie has been working almost constantly since she was 12 years old, but her savings won’t cover the cost of her education. “It was a huge relief,” Marie says about receiving the news that she received the scholarship last year. “It was like a burden was lifted off my back.”

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P hoto : ©a nDriy S oloVyoV / F otolia

NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR QUALIFIED PROFESSIONALS The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has

changes under the new act benefit the overall public good and support key regulatory priorities identified by Engineers and Geoscientists BC. This included submitting a formal response to the government’s Intentions Paper in March.

For more information on the policy, visit the Ministry’s website at , and search for the term “Professional Accountability Policy”. More information on the Professional Governance Act is available on our website, at

implemented a new policy to increase transparency and accountability of Qualified Professionals (QP) working in the natural resource sector by requiring declarations of competency and conflict of interest. The Professional Accountability Policy only applies to QPs who do work under the Environmental Management Act, the Integrated Pest Management Act, and the Park Act. The BC government began developing this policy in the fall of 2017, citing ongoing concerns about QP involvement at regulated sites. The policy is an interim measure while the BC government develops further policy and regulations for mandatory declarations under the new Professional Governance Act. Engineers and Geoscientists BC has informed government that we will be providing feedback on these declarations. The association has devoted significant effort and resources to working with government to ensure that policy

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1 3


ASSOCIATION ISSUES MEMBER ADVISORY ON CONTRACT DISPUTES Engineers and Geoscientists BC produces professional practice guidelines that address the roles and responsibilities of registered

Geoscientists BC does not mediate or resolve contractual disputes that may emerge between various parties, the BC Building Code and the Building and Safety Standards Branch’s Guide to the Letters of Assurance contain relevant guidance that apply to building projects. To highlight this guidance, the association has issued a member advisory on the topic. “Member Advisory: 2019-01 – Considerations for the Professional of Record in Contractual Disputes” outlines what an engineer should consider when they are caught in a dispute between a contractor and an owner on a building project. For more professional practice resources, including other member advisories, visit .

When contractual disputes arise, however, Engineers and Geoscientists BC often receives inquiries about a professional’s obligations as they relate to the administrative provisions of the building code. Although Engineers and

professionals and other parties involved in various aspects of building projects.

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1 4 M A Y / J U N E 2 0 1 9



APRIL 12, 2019 Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Council of elected members and government representatives meets throughout the year to conduct the business of association governance. The following are the highlights of the April 12, 2019 meeting. BUDGET 2019/2020APPROVED BYCOUNCIL, INCLUDES FEE INCREASE The association operates on a 3-year budget cycle, and at its April meeting, Council reviewed and approved the budget for 2019/2020 and received the 2021 proforma budget. The budget for the coming year is structured to respond to new expectations, and external and internal pressures, in particular the Professional Governance Act , inflationary increases, Freedom of Information and Privacy Protection Act , and security-related upgrades, and the cost of multi-year investigation and discipline cases. The 2019/2020 Budget includes additional contingency, increases to exam and application fees, and a $35 increase to annual membership fees for 2020. The $35 increase includes a $15 levy to resource the work necessary to transition the association from our existing regulatory framework to the Professional Governance Act . The remainder will resource growing activity in practice guidance and investigation and discipline. The levy is temporary as it is intended to resource our transition to the new regulatory regime under the Professional Governance Act . COUNCIL APPROVES NEW GUIDELINES Council approved three new guidelines. They provide additional guidance and clarification to professionals working on retaining wall design, conducting assessments of groundwater for pathogens, and watershed assessment and management. These guidelines will be published pending legal and editorial review. AGM MOTION UPDATE: CLIMATE CHANGE ACTION PLAN The following motion was brought forward at the 2018 Annual General Meeting: “That Council consider undertaking and putting the necessary resources into the development of a comprehensive Climate Change Action Plan that will provide direction on the roles and duties of EGBC’s member [sic] in addressing this issue.” Climate change is a critical issue to British Columbians that impacts engineering and geoscience professionals working in various sectors. Council confirmed their commitment to this issue and approved a budget increase of $30,000 to support the development and implementation of a climate change action plan for the association. COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT PILOT FOR GEOSCIENCE APPLICANTS At the direction of Council, Engineers and Geoscientists BC will participate in Geoscientists Canada’s pilot of competency-based assessment for geoscience applicants. This program, which launches on May 1, 2019, will be used to determine whether P.Geo. applicants

have met the experience requirements for registration. It is intended to help further standardize licensing requirements nationally and streamline registration for those applying as a P.Geo. Previously, applicants would submit an extensive report outlining all of their work experience. Under the Competency Based System, applicants, supervisors, and other stakeholders know the specific work experience requirements prior to submitting their application and can better assess their own readiness to apply for professional registration. All pilot applicants who are assessed and meet the requirements of the Work Experience Competencies will be considered to have met the professional geoscience experience requirements for registration. Applicants also have the option to undergo an experience assessment using the current traditional route if they are unsuccessful through the pilot route. The pilot will use the same online platform for competency-based assessments as engineering applicants in BC.

APPOINTMENTS Council approved the

Dr. Anthony Lau, P.Eng. Dr. Jim Lim, P.Eng., FEC Dr. Kwang Lo, P.Eng. Dr. Scott McDougall, P.Eng. Dr. Ulrich Mayer, P.Eng. Jon Mikkelsen, P.Eng. Frank Mucha, P.Eng. Dr. Stephen O’Leary, P.Eng. Kevin Orpen, P.Eng. Robert Parolin, P.Eng., FEC Dr. Farrokh Sassani, P.Eng. DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE Derek Cooper, P.Eng. Thomas Morrison, P.Eng. ENGINEERS CANADADIRECTOR Dr. Michael Wrinch, P.Eng., FEC, FGC, (Hon.) GEOSCIENCE COMMITTEE Paul Gann, P.Geo. Dr. Jeff Wilson, P.Geo. PACIFIC NORTHWEST ECONOMIC REGION REPRESENTATIVE Russ Kinghorn, P.Eng., FEC, FGC, (Hon.) REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Kevin Riederer, P.Eng.

following appointments to Engineers and Geoscientists BC committee, boards, and task forces. ABCFP/ENGINEERSAND GEOSCIENTISTS BC JOINT PRACTICE BOARD Jeremy Araki, P.Eng. Alan Bates, P.Eng. Jason Olmsted, P.Eng. Dr. David Wilford, P.Geo. BOARD OF EXAMINERS James Atwater, P.Eng. Dr. Roger Beckie, P.Eng., FEC Dr. Xiaotao Bi, P.Eng. Dr. David Dreisinger, P.Eng. Dr. William Dunford, P.Eng., FEC Dr. Sathish Gopalakrishnan, P.Eng. Dr. Robert Ito, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon.) Gregory Johnson, P.Eng. Dr. Diane Kennedy, P.Eng. Dr. Philippe Kruchten, P.Eng., FEC Dr. Ezra Kwok, P.Eng.


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BUILDINGS 3 Civic Plaza, Surrey, BC Consultant: Fast + Epp Owner/Client: Century Group Prime Consultant: ZGF Architects Photo: ZGF Architects

ACEC-BC AWARDS FOR ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – BC (ACEC-BC) recognized the year’s finest engineering achievements at its 30 th annual Awards for Engineering Excellence, held at its annual gala on April 6, 2019, in Vancouver. The awards recognize the innovation and technical excellence of ACEC-BC member firms. Awards were given in the following categories: Buildings, Municipal & Civil Infrastructure, Transportation & Bridges, Energy & Industry, Natural Resource & Habitat, Soft Engineering, and Projects Under $2.5 Million. For a complete list of awards, visit winners The Association of Consulting Engineering Companies – BC (ACEC-BC) represents BC’s consulting engineering companies that provide engineering and other technology-based intellectual services to the public and private sectors.

MUNICIPAL & CIVIL INFRASTRUCTURE Dual Use Detention Centre/Sports Field,

Township of Langley, BC Consultant: McElhanney

Owner/Client: Qualico Developments (Vancouver) Inc./Township of Langley

TRANSPORTATION & BRIDGES Main Span Design of the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge, Hudson River north of Manhattan, New York Consultant: COWI Owner: New York State Thruway Authority Client/Prime Consultant: HDR

ENERGY & INDUSTRY John Hart Generating Station Replacement Project, near Campbell River, BC. Consultant: SNC-Lavalin Owner/Client: BC Hydro

NATURAL RESOURCE & HABITAT Blakeburn Lagoons Park, Port Coquitlam, BC Consultant: ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. Owner/Client: City of Port Coquitlam SOFT ENGINEERING New Solutions for Safe Drinking Water in Remote Communities, Dzit’lain’li (Middle River), BC Consultant: WSP Canada Group Ltd. Owner/Client: Tl’azt’en Nation PROJECTS UNDER $2.5 MILLION Cloudraker Skybridge and Raven’s Eye Cliff Walk, Whistler Mountain, BC Consultant: Morrison Hershfield Limited Owner: Whistler Blackcomb Client: Axis Mountain Technical

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M ost people think of International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) as a single day, June 23, set aside to celebrate the achievements of women engineers around the world, and to highlight the career opportunities for girls who are exploring engineering for their future. INWED is all those things; but few people realize that INWED, which will celebrate six years on June 23, is the brainchild of the Women’s Engineering Society, a UK-based organization that will turn 100 years old on the same day. During the World War I, women in the UK had been recruited into the workforce so that men could fight abroad. Women filled, among other things, technical and engineering positions, like heavy or precision machinery jobs, war supply factory jobs, munitions assembly jobs, and so on. The government, desperate to maintain the flow of war supplies and keep the economy functioning at home, had invested heavily in the recruitment and training of women. But, when the war ended in 1918, women were pressured back to their homes to allow men to return from the armed forces and resume their technical and engineering jobs. A group of women, many of whom had already been working for women’s right to vote in the UK, formed The Women’s Engineering Society (WES), just over seven months after the end of World War I. The formation WES was a way to resist the pressure to vacate their jobs, and to promote engineering as a satisfying job for both women and men. WES is responsible for a couple of spinoff events. It launched National Women in Engineering Day in 2014 (which was given coveted UNESCO patronage status in 2016), and then International Women in Engineering Day—INWED. In an interview with Innovation , Elizabeth Donnelly, CEO of WES, says that the displacement of women out of their jobs ROOTS OF INTERNATIONAL WOMEN IN ENGINEERING DAY STRETCH BACK 100 YEARS

P hotos : W omen ’ s E ngineering S ociety and IET A rchives

that companies in the top-quartile for gender diversity on executive teams were 21 percent more likely to outperform on profitability and 27 percent more likely to have superior value creation. That’s one of the reasons that Engineers and Geoscientists BC has embraced the 30 by 30 goal, which aims to raise the percentage of newly licensed engineers who are women to 30 percent by the year 2030. In June, Engineers and Geoscientists BC plans to recognize INWED by hosting webinars, professional development opportunities, and networking events. The “Path To Professional Licensure” webinar will be held on June 17; an “Own Your Career” event will be held on June 19; and a professional networking event will be held on June 19 (in conjunction with Engineers and Geoscientists BC’s Women In Engineering and Geoscience Division). Donnelly says that WES’ lengthy history is proof that the idea that women belong in engineering is not recent. “This is nothing new. One look at the history of women in engineering, it’s clear that women have made fantastic and important advancements in engineering for a long, long time.” “I’ve got very high hopes,” she said. “When [our founders] they created WES, they had no idea of the possibilities. Women engineers are the people who are going to solve climate change, make driverless cars, design things that are going to save lives. Young women today are going to be among the people that are able to solve these problems.”

at the time wasn’t just unfair; it also didn’t make economic sense. “The government had invested over 100 million pounds [$173 million Canadian dollars] in training during the war, and then sent the women home when the war ended. A lot of women …felt that the training and experience they had was a fantastic opportunity, and they wanted that to continue,” she said. The arguments in favour of a more gender- diverse workplace have changed since 1919, and they apply directly to BC. Studies show that firms that have a gender diversity also have better financial performance and value creation. One recent study revealed


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PRESSURE BUILDUP Lessons from Uncontrolled Ammonia Releases

LAURA MCLEOD Technical Safety BC

I n October 2018, more than 100 businesses in a Langley Township business park were forced to evacuate for 48 hours due to an uncontrolled ammonia leak. A nearby pet food manufacturer’s refrigeration system had experienced a mechanical failure: a rupture of the system evaporator and release of ammonia. Luckily, there were no injuries. According to provincial safety regulator Technical Safety BC, this ammonia release—and another in Fernie a year earlier that led to multiple fatalities—highlight opportunities for professional engineers to provide input and advice throughout the full lifecycle of refrigeration equipment, so that similar

refrigeration system was slow to return to expected performance; oil contamination of some system evaporators was suspected. In an attempt to improve system performance, the mechanic closed valves to generate pressure within an evaporator in an attempt to move or dislodge potentially trapped oil. Once the evaporator was isolated, pressure between closed valves rose very rapidly, breaking a pressure gauge needle and rupturing the evaporator. A substantial amount of ammonia was then released from the ruptured evaporator into the freeze-drying production chamber. The ammonia escaped the chamber—which wasn’t designed to contain ammonia—into the atmosphere. As the regulatory body charged with the oversight of refrigeration systems in BC, Technical Safety BC investigated the incident to find the root causes. As with many incidents involving complex technical systems, there was a mix of technical failures

occurrences can be prevented. WHAT HAPPENED IN LANGLEY?

On the day of the incident, a refrigeration mechanic drained oil from the pumps during an unscheduled maintenance call. The

C ontinUeS on PaGe 39...

l eFt : The needle of this ammonia pressure gauge snapped against the stopper pin during the over-pressure condition in Langley on October 24, 2018. The gauge’s internal calibration mechanism is also deformed. P reVioUS PaGe : During the October 2018 incident in Langley, a failed weld on a heat exchanger plate (at the location of the bulge) caused ammonia to leak into the chamber, and then into the atmosphere.


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2018 2019 PROJ EC T H I GHL I GHT S The 2018 | 2019 Project Highlights showcase recent engineering and geoscience work by Engineers and Geoscientists BC members in BC and elsewhere. Innovation and the Engineers and Geoscientists BC Editorial Advisory Committee thank all who submitted project photographs and descriptions.


The National Arts Centre in Ottawa was recently rejuvenated in advance of the 150 th anniversary of Canada’s Confederation. The scope of work included 6,000 square metres of new floor space, comprising three new connected wings, two new floors of lobby, and cultural programming, all of which is enclosed by a custom glass curtain wall. The key feature in the project is a striking coffered ceiling, providing a unique piece of structural artistry visible from the street—the result of a highly collaborative design by the architect, structural engineer, services engineer, contractor, and timber fabricator. The roof was formed of 28 hybrid wood-steel panels, spanning up to 19.5 metres, pre-fabricated off-site while the building strengthening and steelwork erection was carried out. Sprinklers, lighting, acoustic treatment, theatre attachment points, and temporary waterproofing were integrated into each panel in the wood fabricator’s shop. The entire 1200-square metre hybrid roof was lifted into place in under three weeks. Principal-In-Charge: Ian Boyle, P.Eng., Struct.Eng.


At Whistler’s Peak, the Cloudraker Skybridge and Raven’s Eye Cliffwalk is a new, 130-metre-long, steel pedestrian suspension bridge leading to a cantilevered viewing platform, anchored into rock and projecting 12.5 metres out from the mountain’s edge. At more than 2,100 metres above sea level, it is thought to be the highest pedestrian bridge in North America, and offers access to spectacular 360-degree views of the Whistler Valley and surrounding mountain peaks. Morrison Hershfield provided overall bridge design and construction engineering for this complex attraction for the owner, Whistler Blackcomb, with structures designed to operate in some of the most extreme weather conditions in North America. Participants: Morrison Hershfield: Scott Loptson, P.Eng., David Wei, P.Eng., Macarious Hui, EIT, Shenyang Li, EIT. Design-Build Contractor: Axis Mountain Technical. Additional Team Members: Legacy Engineering: Kent LaRose, P.Eng. Wyllie & Norrish Rock Engineers: Duncan Wyllie, P.Eng. Alpine Solutions Avalanche Services, George Third & Son


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